Partially Attended

an irregularly updated blog by Ian Mulvany

16 Apr 2009

Another great example of how being lazy can reap great rewards

Last year I got really obsessed with the idea of making my google email contacts list, my phone list and my desktop address book all sync together. I couldn't find a simple to use free application that would do all of this for me. For a while I was using Spanning Sync to keep calendars in sync. I had a Nokia N95, my desktop machine is a mac and my online life is mediated by Google. ... (more)

14 Apr 2009

Neat blog on Sankey diagrams.

14 Apr 2009

notes on "Classes of complex networks defined by role-to-role connectivity profiles"

Looking for algorithms to do community detection (there are a bunch from the famous Girvan-Newman algorithm doi:10.1073/pnas.122653799 which seems to have gained popularity through being very simple, effiencet and usually pretty powerfull, through to a method doi:10.1103/PhysRevE.71.046117 by Ziv, Middendorf and Wiggins. I have to admit I don't understand that paper yet, but hope to come back to it.) I was pointed to a paper by Guimera, Sales-Pardo and Amaral. ... (more)

14 Apr 2009

Why measure scientists and their work?

I'm interested in using graph theory to develop tools to improve science (whether I manage to do this is a moot point, I believe that someone will, and that such tools will be useful). One of the questions raised by any effort to introduce new systems that may be used to compare and contrast the work of scientists is whether such systems can have any net benefit when weighed against the potential pressure that they may place on working scientists. ... (more)

13 Apr 2009

Directed Graph blog setup.

I've decided to use syntaxhiligher2 to do syntax hi-lighting and a call to for rendering latex on the blog. Bot Cyborg has a good description of how to get this to work on blogger. The main advantage of this approach is that the pseudo code is written in the blog posts in plain encased in a pre statement, and the equations are also just vanilla latex in a pre statement. ... (more)

13 Apr 2009

Grave of the reverend Thomas Bayes

I visited bunhill fields at the weekend. It's a non conformist graveyard just off of moorgate in London. Over the course of it's active life over 120,000 people were buried there, in a space a little under four acres. Notable residents include Daniel Defoe and William Blake, but the occupant I was most intrigued to see was Thomas Bayes, the founder of Bayseian statistics. The large tomb contains thebesmains of many members of the Bayes family. ... (more)

13 Apr 2009

Moving over to the googleverse

Well, today I finally made a switch that I had been thinking about for a long time, I moved the hosting of my personal domain to google app engine with email being managed by google apps for my domain. is now a google app engine site. At the moment there is not much content there, but the google app engine tool allows me to run a perfect cop of my site off line, and to edit locally and then push live. ... (more)

13 Apr 2009

Why I'm setting up this blog

Right, well, I'm pretty interested in graph theory. I work in publishing for the journal Nature on new web products, and I need a focussed way of getting my thoughts together on a range of topics that touch on science. I wanted a space that was more focussed than my personal blog. I have a few specific aims for this blog. Get some of my thoughts on publishing, science and the philosophy of science out of my head and into an archived public space ... (more)

12 Apr 2009

Adding a tag cloud to blogger

I've been thinking about neat ways to make blogs approach research articles; about how to make some of the core features of a journal be more apparent in a blog, which has led me to think about blogger widgets. That led me to the Phydeaux3 blog where there is a kick ass implementation of a widget to display a tag cloud for blogger. Hopefully you can see that it works pretty well. ... (more)

12 Apr 2009

Getting listed on nature blogs

I'm gittin meself listed on nature blogs. I better whup this blog back into shape first though. ... (more)