Partially Attended

an irregularly updated blog by Ian Mulvany

07 Jun 2018

The Cost of Developers – by Ben Thompson

This is a fascinating post on what dynamics are in place between large companies and developers. The bottom line is that Microsoft has had to pay a large sum (>$7B) to acquire a developer friendly platform because they currently don’t really have one. In contrast Apple has a lot of leverage over developers on iOS, but not on other platforms. I’m not sure if there is a connection to researchers in the STM space, but some journals certainly have a lot of leverage over researchers. ... (more)

07 Jun 2018

VIPER - The Visual Project Explorer

This is a tool for visualising EC funded projects listed in OpenAire using the infrastructure of Open Knowledge maps. For digging into projects that you know, I think this has some value, but I’d like to see some global overview of where funding is flowing. ... (more)

06 Jun 2018

About Backyard Brains

06 Jun 2018

Cool slide deck about the advantages of using the shell for data science.

I love this short presentation on using the shell for data science. Many of the things hat are described in the presentation are just plain useful anyway, searching over csv files, finding things, renaming things. ... (more)

06 Jun 2018

How to Visualize an XML Sitemap Using Python - Ayima

This looks like a great way to quickly get an overview of your site architecture, a vital step when thinking about wide spread changes. ... (more)

06 Jun 2018

Impact of Social Sciences – The academic papers researchers regard as significant are not those that are highly cited ... (more)

06 Jun 2018

Mindcontrol A web application for brain segmentation quality control - ScienceDirect

06 Jun 2018

The Guardian view on digitising culture make manuscripts more illuminating | Editorial | Opinion | The Guardian

a nice description of IIF from the guardian. ... (more)

18 May 2018

eLife Innovation Sprint -

Last week the eLife innovation sprint happened in Cambridge. It was done in collaboration with the Mozilla global sprint. I was able to participate for some of the event, and I’ll write up a bit more about the project I worked on later. There is a slide deck that summarises all of the projects from the two days: Slides of outputs from the sprint: eLifeSprint2018_introductions_people&projects - Google Slides. Briefly, this was hands down one of the most productive two-day sprints that I’ve ever been involved in. ... (more)

16 May 2018

A new new way to make biological data more easily citable

Working under Force11 the California digital library and the EBI have made progress on making identifiers to data held in biological data repositories more easily resolvable. The have done this by setting up infrastructure and standards to support creating globally unique prefixes for the data repositories involved. You can see some examples in this table: Table 2: Examples of persistent, citable URLs for a single accession (NCBI Taxon 9606), with default and specified providers. ... (more)