Partially Attended

an irregularly updated blog by Ian Mulvany

blog posts about hackathon

eLife Innovation Sprint -

Last week the eLife innovation sprint happened in Cambridge. It was done in collaboration with the Mozilla global sprint. I was able to participate for some of the event, and I’ll write up a bit more about the project I worked on later. There is a slide deck that summarises all of the projects from the two days: Slides of outputs from the sprint: eLifeSprint2018_introductions_people&projects - Google Slides. Briefly, this was hands down one of the most productive two-day sprints that I’ve ever been involved in. ... (more)

Social Humanities DataHack event

How do people represent themselves on social media, and how are they represented by others? Which qualities and virtues are emphasized (or ignored)? How polarised are these (re)presentations? There is a workshop looking at this very question happening in Oxford in early January. The morning will be a series of workshops on tools for tackling a question like the above (I’m thinking of attending the Wikipedia and Topic Modelling workshop), and the afternoon will be a hackathon looking at some data sets. ... (more)