Partially Attended

an irregularly updated blog by Ian Mulvany

blog posts about germany

restaurant BAYOU Berlin

I got the email below a few days ago: Hello to you all,Please forgive the bulk email! We hope all is well with you.We will be opening our new restaurant on December 1st. Please visit our newwebsite at You are able to book hotel reservations onour site using our corporate discount rate. We hope to see you sometimesoon,All the best,Steve and Brandon Earlier this year I was on holiday in Nerja in the south of Spain. ... (more)

weekend grill

I visited my girlfriend in Germany this weekend, and her father wascelebrating his 60th birthday. A friend of his arranged a full wild boarfrom the German forests. The spit it and slow cooked it for 7 hours, ittasted amazing. I can quite see why Asterix and friends got so excited aboutthis. 13102007410.jpg 13102007409.jpg ... (more)