Partially Attended

an irregularly updated blog by Ian Mulvany

blog posts about fontainbleau


This post was mostly written earlier this summer, in the days after I had finished reading a book. I’ve just finished reading W. G. Seabald’s Vertigo. This is the second of his books that I’ve read over the last decade, and it is as haunting as the first. The first of his I read was The rings of Saturn. Towards the closing pages of the book I was filled with a great expectation that I might possibly experience some deep revelation. ... (more)

Font, Spring 2011, quick report

Well, it’s been almost a week since I got back from Fontainbleau. It was, as usual, a magical trip. Were took advantage of the row of bank holidays to get in a nice long spell in the forest without having to take too much time off work. I’d been training like a fair old bastard in order to get fit for Marie Rose, but in the end a couple of injuries stopped me going near the route, which was a pity. ... (more)

Font, Spring 2013, preview

I’m about to head to Fontainbleau for another short climbing trip. I’ve been going there since 2003, this will be my 10th anniversary of going to font. The first time I went there I brought a lot of expectations with me. I was climbing pretty well and I fully expected that I should be able to run up problems of about font 6a. I think I fell off of that first 3a 6 times before I got it. ... (more)