Partially Attended

an irregularly updated blog by Ian Mulvany

blog posts about discovery

Google data set search.

I’ve just got back from a fantastic workshop looking at infrastructure for research data discovery. I’ll blog about the workshop in due course, but I was asked to comment about Google Dataset Search - Dataset Search. I had the change to meet with Natasha Noi from Google who is behind the service. Natasha Noy – Google AI. As with many google services, it has been created by a small team, but with the underlying web scale infrastructure of Google to build on top of. ... (more)

AI and discovery tools

I got asked to contribute an answer to an upcoming feature looking at trends in scholarly discovery. There are four questions and I’ve been asked to think about an answer to the last of these four. In a sentence or two, please tell us what you understand is meant by ‘discovery’? For a researcher, how has the discovery experience developed in recent years? How can researchers decide which tools are going to do the right job for them? ... (more)


This week I attended futurepub10, I love these events, I’ve been to a bunch, and the format of short talks, and lots of time to catchup with people is just great. # A new Cartography of Collaboration - Daniel Hook, CEO Digital Science (work with Ian Calvert). Digital science have produced a report on collaboration, and this talk was covering one of chapters from that. I was interested to see what the key takeaways are that you can describe in a five minute talk. ... (more)

Serendipity, a chance encounter (obviously)

Tonight there was a lovely sameas event on the topic of serendipity. I’d stared a blog post about this back in May as a response to to a post that Frank Norman wrote about enablining serendipidous discovery in the digital library. Well, that post kind of lingered, malingered in my drafts directory, so I thought I’d best get on get something out there, spurred on by the event tonight. I studied in Edinburgh for a few years, it’s a beautiful city, and in the heart of the old town Victoria Street sweeps in a steep curve down to the cowgate. ... (more)