Partially Attended

an irregularly updated blog by Ian Mulvany

12 Nov 2012

SpotOn day 2.

Yesterday was awesome, let’s see how today goes. I was watching from afar, as my wife attended, and now I’m here for the afternoon sessions. sessions: Ben Goldacre publishing data, what’s in it for researchers? now on to the sessions! [Incentivising Open Access][ioa]. (top) Nice panel, you can see the list of the panel on the site homepage, I’ll again, mostly focus on the trend of the discussion. ... (more)

11 Nov 2012

SpotOn day 1.

I’ll keep a partial, live-idsh blog going during the day. I’ve been going to these things, I think, since about 2008. I really like these meetings. I’m going to probably keep these notes pretty lightweight. sessions: Ben Goldacre Kamila Session on whether science journalism will be replaced Altmetric track now on to the sessions! Ben Goldacre - opening keynote, on data. . (top) Ben is talking about the issues that arise when you place a lot of data in one place. ... (more)

11 Nov 2012

The new food.

I got to spend a really fun forty minutes or so this morning with Pat Brown, down at the home of Lyrical Foods, the new project that he is involved in. They are aiming to replace the dairy and cattle industry by producing food from plant derived products that is indistinguisable from the original products. They have already created artisinal cheeses that are indistingushable from milk-based cheeses, and I understand that they are currently working on fake blood, that has the same response profile to cooking, as real blood does. ... (more)

10 Nov 2012

Last minute changes to our solo12journals line up.

* {margin:0; padding:0} body {font:11px/1.5 Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif; background:#FFF} #text {margin:50px auto; width:500px} .hotspot {color:#900; padding-bottom:1px; border-bottom:1px dotted #900; cursor:pointer} #tt {position:absolute; display:block; background:url(images/tt_left.gif) top left no-repeat} #tttop {display:block; height:5px; margin-left:5px; background:url(images/tt_top.gif) top right no-repeat; overflow:hidden} #ttcont {display:block; padding:2px 12px 3px 7px; margin-left:5px; background:#666; color:#FFF} #ttbot {display:block; height:5px; margin-left:5px; background:url(images/tt_bottom.gif) top right no-repeat; overflow:hidden} I'm really excited about the session that we will be running at SpotOn London in just two days time! ... (more)

28 Oct 2012

The journal is dead, long live the journal - abstract.

With Anna Sharman and Bob O’Hara, I’ll be hosting a session on the future of academic journals at SpotOnLondon (formerly ScienceOnline London). You can check out the session details here. They have posted the short version of the abstract on the site, I’m posting the longer version here, and you can also see our google planning document. We will update with details on the panel very soon. Abstract Today’s online articles and journals remain mostly an online mirror of print products. ... (more)

11 Oct 2012

Data literature integration workshop.

Literature Data integration workshop 2012-10-10 There are many people attending today. I’m not sure whether the attendee list will be released. I’ve taken notes, but rather rapidly. I may have ended up mis appropriating comments, missed comments, or inserted comments that didn’t happen, so take the below with the appropriate health warnings. I still need to check on the links, and pull together a link list at the bottom, but I wanted to get the write up out while it was still in front of me. ... (more)

03 Oct 2012

Mind the product 2012, notes.

Last Friday I attended the amazing Mind the product conference in London. It was really inspirational. There were about 500 attendees, and having so many people with a concern for the same aspect of the product development process in one room led to a real buzz. The speakers were excellent, sadly I had to leave a little after lunch. The videos will be posted, keep an eye on the mind the product main site. ... (more)

02 Oct 2012

Going for gold, open access debate.

Update, audio of the meeting is now available on figshare Last Thursday I attended the SciCommForum debate “Open access: going for gold?” held at Imperial College. Below are my notes from the event. The notes are fairly raw, and not comprehensive. The debate is going to be looking at open access in the context of the RCUK policy, it is being hosted by Richard Van Noorden (RVN), Mark Thorley (MT) from RCUK, and Stephen Curry (SC). ... (more)

22 Aug 2012

The slow web, more thoughtful experiences.

I’ve been concerned for a few years about the flow of data that we are producing, and how to handle the angst of not being able to keep up with everything, ever. I think it started when I became a very heavy user of google reader back in 2006 or so. There is little doubt that the web is moving more in this direction, Anil Dash recently called for people to stop creating web pages, and to start creating only streams. ... (more)

17 Jul 2012

academic ghost towns, Google scholar and Mendeley

I’m on a mission to clear out my instapapper backlocg, so I’m going to be blogging olds rather than news. There was a nice piece in the Atlantic last month talking about how Google could provide a better social experience by activating it’s latent networks, rather than mimicking facebook. But think about Scholar as a latent social network. Each paper contains its own social network that Google already crawls. Every bibliography is filled with other social networks. ... (more)