The three ages of Elvis in potatoes!
Mon Mar 22, 2010
115 Words
On Saturday we went to a party thrown by some friends of ours. It was kind of a delayed St. Patrick's day party, and everyone had to bring along a potato dressed up as a celebrity, or some such.
We created our potato after the Father Ted episode "Competition Time", in which Ted, Dougal and Jack dress up as the three ages of Elvis. The third age in this little diorama is made up from mashed spud in a sock.
After an intense voting round, we were finally pushed out of 3rd place by St Patrick. The winner was Spudward, which looked disconcertingly like the pop group with it represented.
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We created our potato after the Father Ted episode "Competition Time", in which Ted, Dougal and Jack dress up as the three ages of Elvis. The third age in this little diorama is made up from mashed spud in a sock.
After an intense voting round, we were finally pushed out of 3rd place by St Patrick. The winner was Spudward, which looked disconcertingly like the pop group with it represented.