Partially Attended

an irregularly updated blog by Ian Mulvany

blog posts about solo10

Connecting Scientific Resources, Slides

On Friday I hosted a session at Science Online London. Michael Habibi, Richard Wallis and Chris Taylor all gave great presentations. Michael’s presentation and Richards’s presentation are both online, and when the organisers post the other talks I’ll link to Chris’s presentation too. Michael, taking us through his talk Richard has a rapt audience Chris, getting passionate ... (more)

science scraping with YQL

Last Saturday at Science Online London I gave a quick tutorial on YQL, and how it might be used to mash up scientific data sets. Below I list some of the sample queries that I was playing with. Before you get started with the console have a look through the documentation. I got a lot of milage out of the part about filters and joins. The blog post by Paul Hogan on using YQL for library maships was also very helpful. ... (more)

Connecting Scientific Resources

I’m going to be hosting a session at science online London next weekend, I’m excited. I’ve been interested in the issues of connecting scientific data for a long time. In the last six months I’ve become particularly excited about the potential of web based tool like Yahoo Query Language. I was hoping to talk a little about that, but I’ve been lucky to get some amazing people to come and share their experiences about linking data, so I’m going to cede the floor to them. ... (more)