Partially Attended

an irregularly updated blog by Ian Mulvany

Super quick start guide to fluidinfo

Sun Jun 17, 2012

191 Words

This is a quick and dirty guide to getting started with fish, the command line tool for fulidinfo. I did it by setting up a virtualenv, as I find it a lot easier to manage python dependancies that way.

Setup a virtualenv:

% mkvirtual env fi

Open the virtual env session:

% workon fi

Install httplib2:

% pip install httplib2

Install readline:

% pip install readline

Get fish, you can either get it from github and install from source, last time I checked that was:

% git clone"  

or you can just go ahead and:

% pip install fish

Create a credentials file:

% touch ~/.fluidinfocredentials

Put your credentials in ~/.fluidinfocredentials as a simple two liner, username, then password. If you signed in to fluidinfo with your twitter handle then you will need to create a password for your account, you can do this by going to the “Set password” option under your username in the web interface.

Start fish:

% fish
This is fish version 4.34.
Synchronizing . . . Nothing to sync from Fluidinfo


For further information on using fish have a look at the documentation

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